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               Founder (Dojoo Nim)

Supreme Grandmaster is the founder of Hwa Rang Do®, and is the director of our Academy here at the World Headquarters. From an early age he began learning the skills of the ancient Hwarang warriors from a monk named Suahm Dosa in the mountains of Korea. As he mastered the martial and healing skills he was taught, Dr. Joo-Bang Lee realized that these techniques and concepts could be very beneficial to the general public at large. Not only are the skills comprehensive in their depth, but through continued training an individual will develop strength in all areas of their lives - body, mind, and spirit. So, in 1960 he brought these skills back to the public, founding the public institution of Hwa Rang Do® in Seoul, Korea.

Almost a decade later he came to America to promote this art to the world at large. Since this time he has been dedicated to spreading this art, and guiding the next generation of practitioners. The home base here in Tustin California has been home to our World Headquarters since this time.

From early childhood to becoming a leader among Korean martial art practitioners, The history of Founder, Dr. Joo-Bang Lee is quite intriguing. He is recognized throughout the world as one of the most prominent martial artists of our time. Throughout his life, and many accomplishments, he has always maintained a strong sense of integrity and has been an example to everyone on what it means to live an honorable life.

Also he is the DONG KOOK Health Care Center at the same location suite #205
- Licensed Acupuncture specialist and Doctor of asian medicine and Ph.D.

For more detailed information about the Founder please Click Here!


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