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Korea Trip 2004 ~ Day 5: August 24th

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After KyungJu it was great to stop by the resort island of JaeJu. Only a short flight and the group was on an old volcanic island that has now become a major travel destination for the mainland Korean populace. The group was able to learn more about the local people and traditions with stops at the JaeJu island museum as well as a stop at a traditional village.

Hiking up one of the ocean cliffs was also memorable. The group Kiap at the very top could be heard miles away! A little R&R on the beach was needed too. Swimming or wading in the ocean waters sure was relaxing, but wait is this a vacation? The Italians didn't think so and started a group training session on the ocean rocks!

The last stop was the mysterious ghost road, a road which appears uphill to the eye, but as soon as the breaks are off the busses started rolling the opposite way - actually moving uphill! Pour water, a bottle, or anything that rolls and your eye will wonder how everything moves uphill, not downhill. Hummm.......


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